To reduce malaria morbidity and mortality by 85% and 75% respectively by 2020 through innovative community empowerment approach towards the national goal of Malaria Elimination in Myanmar.

1.Mobilize and empower Malaria affected communities to prevent and reduce the Malaria burden
2.Universal access to Community Malaria Case Management through trained volunteers in the
rural villages for prevention and control of Malaria
3.Accelerate the innovative vector control activities toward the Malaria Elimination
4.Policy and advocacy for universal coverage (including hard to reach area and community)
through integrated community malaria volunteer in the village health system

Implementing Areas:
Kanpetlet, Patlewa Townships


Community Based


Project Duration
3 years (2018 – 2020)


-Advocacy Meeting at Township level
-Village Malaria Worker Training
-Volunteer Supervision Visit
-Malaria Case management and Diagnosis
-Joint Supervision visit with BHS/VBDC
-DOTs Supervision
-LLIN Distribution
-LLIN Monitoring